Tuesday, December 8, 2009

911 = Too Much Fun!

Disclaimer: I was not always the well balanced human that I have now become (don't laugh. Really) and I do not condone any of the not-so-wise choices I made as a teenager. This is for entertainment purposes only. :)

Phoenix: 1989
During my senior year of high school, I had finally achieved the long awaited title of "popular".  Granted, it was an alternative school, but hey...it worked for me! Although we did not have cheerleaders or pom squads, we did have hacky-sack circles and coveted benches in the yard.  And those who held the magnificent GOLD card for good grades got an extra smoke break every hour and the freedom to leave campus for lunch in our broken down cars... or broken down converse sneakers. (or 3inch spike heels and mini-skirts. It was the 80's) And better yet, we got to escape to the nearby vo-tech to break in to our chosen careers of horticulture specialists, floriculturists, or auto mechanics.
Somehow in the midst (or mist) of my 'popular' status, I ended up in a 2 year relationship with one of the 'popular' guys on campus. Lets call him Joe...

Joe and I had both achieved the off-campus, escape to the vo-tech for the second half of the day status. And being the smart teenagers that we were, we found out just how easy it was to leave school for vo-tech, and never make it there. And still get a good grade :)

One afternoon we decided to go back to my house and play...doctor.
Ok, so it wasn't a vo-tech offered course, but it should have been. Immediately after the 'operation' was completed, the telephone rang. Now this was before caller id and cell phones...back when you always answered the phone. So I did. I answered the phone. The caller identifies himself and says he is from the Phoenix Police Department. I start laughing, realizing this is a hoax! "Who is this? Jim? John? Not funny you guys!" The caller insists he is from PPD...and he isn't laughing. I take a breath..."now who is this?". He answers, "ma'am, if you would look outside, this is so-and-so from the Phoenix Police Department". As I am on the phone, I stretch the cord (yes, the cord) so I can look through the door to the street, and I see a cruiser sitting outside of my house. O.M.G.  "Oh...um...Yes? Can I help you?" I reply.

"Ma'am" he says, "we have reports of screaming at your address, is everything alright?" After reassuring the policeman (numerous times) that everything is ok, that it was just a mid-day encounter of consenting adult...operations (snicker), he FINALLY lets me off the phone. To collapse. In a fit of laughter. Wow.

But wait. It gets better.

I graduated from high school a few months later, much to the surprise of my ENTIRE family. (refer to future posts for details). So my mom throws me a big party with all of my aunts & uncles and friends. And Joe of course. My cake says 911= too much fun! HA HA I thought that was pretty funny, yet cool at the same time. :) I had been in and out of trouble throughout my high school years, and I think I may have been secretly voted least likely to succeed in the Cheek family. Good times all around!

Fast forward a year or so...
So I am visiting my mom and we are hanging out one night swapping stories, and I am telling her this story of the cops calling me and me not believing them etc... She gets this strange confused look on her face...and says "what do you think your graduation cake meant?"  Ever the bright one, I think it was all the trouble I had been in before I graduated!  Slowly, it sinks in. O.M.G. Are you telling me...so THAT's what it meant?? And EVERYONE at that party KNEW?? Except me and 'Joe'??  

I called 'Joe' immediately. He swears he didn't know either. He didn't show up to the next party :)

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