Tuesday, December 8, 2009

911 = Too Much Fun!

Disclaimer: I was not always the well balanced human that I have now become (don't laugh. Really) and I do not condone any of the not-so-wise choices I made as a teenager. This is for entertainment purposes only. :)

Phoenix: 1989
During my senior year of high school, I had finally achieved the long awaited title of "popular".  Granted, it was an alternative school, but hey...it worked for me! Although we did not have cheerleaders or pom squads, we did have hacky-sack circles and coveted benches in the yard.  And those who held the magnificent GOLD card for good grades got an extra smoke break every hour and the freedom to leave campus for lunch in our broken down cars... or broken down converse sneakers. (or 3inch spike heels and mini-skirts. It was the 80's) And better yet, we got to escape to the nearby vo-tech to break in to our chosen careers of horticulture specialists, floriculturists, or auto mechanics.
Somehow in the midst (or mist) of my 'popular' status, I ended up in a 2 year relationship with one of the 'popular' guys on campus. Lets call him Joe...

Monday, December 7, 2009

Flypaper for Freaks

So I decided to try to actually date before getting married. Again. Living in a college town makes things a little tough, so I thought I would give online dating a try. Can you say mistake? I know, I know, there’s always that one perfect couple. You know the one. They met online, talked for years, flew thousands of miles to meet and are now living out their dreams with 2.5 kids in the suburbs. Well, no such luck for this single girl. Why, you ask? Well, follow along and you will see.

Mr. "X" and I met through a mutual friend on myspace. Not the typical match.com date, I know. But we did meet online and we did go on a blind date, so it counts.